Thank you for joining me on this creative journey
I hold in my hand just a piece of my heritage
My Ghanaian heritage
My Creative heritage
My heritage that drives me and inspires me as a young black woman and artist
It's part of who I am
This time, and times passed has been incredibly difficult, challenging, massively affecting, and words have failed me on many occasions and my mind has been a tangled mess of emotions.
Like many of us it has made us remember many racially motivated incidents and prejudices we have experienced whilst growing up black
The conversation and action needs to continue.
We are human
We matter
We are all valuable
Thank you for the love, the support and the unity. Let's continue in love to unlearn discriminatory beliefs and take the pledges made here online to heart.
To be open to a change in perspective
To challenge prejudice
It's ok to have those meaningful, difficult conversations, be open to listen.
May the compassion that has emerged be sustained in our hearts and in our actions towards each other.
If you'd like to find out ways you can help and/or learn about the cause there is a list of resources here
"For as sure as kindness leans into what is good, it also speaks of what isn't right. It is compassionate and gentle when long histories are pulled from mourning to morning" Morgan Harper Nichols
With love,